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Why do our programs cost what they do?

We price our offerings to be as affordable as possible while still enabling the financial survival and blossoming of Animas Valley Institute, a nonprofit organization. Our fees support our small part-time administrative staff, […]

What about transportation?

You are responsible for your own transportation.  For retreat center programs, this means just getting yourself to and from the retreat center.  For quests, it may involve getting yourself to and from the retreat center […]

What We Do

What We Do

Animas Valley Institute — founded in 1980 by Bill Plotkin — offers a rich assortment of journeys into the mysteries of nature and […]

What happens if I get hurt or sick in the wilderness?

Your leaders are seasoned wilderness guides who carry state-of-the-art first-aid equipment and are trained in wilderness medicine. While Animas has had no significant injuries in 24 years, we are prepared to offer the best care […]

What kind of food do you serve?

Most meals at retreat centers and in the backcountry are lacto-vegetarian, made from natural and wholesome ingredients. We purchase organic, locally-grown food as much as possible.

Graduate Directory – Boxed

Soulcraft™ Initiation Guides and Wild Mind Practitioners

Soulcraft™ Initiation Guides (SAIP Graduates)

The Soul Initiation Guides in this Directory are cultural change agents who […]

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