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The Journey of Soul Initiation

The Journey of Soul Initiation: A Field Guide for Visionaries, Evolutionaries, and Revolutionaries

About the Book

The journey of soul initiation is an essential spiritual […]

Nature and the Human Soul – Chapter 1

Nature and the Human Soul – Chapter 1

We must go far beyond any transformation of contemporary culture. We must go back to the genetic imperative from which human cultures emerge originally and from which they can […]

Experiential Activities Stage 2


Please read chapter 5 (on stage 2), starting on p. 111, before launching into these activities.

You can access printable version of the activities following the activities.

More-than-human Nature:

Time: 1 hour or more, […]

Experiential Activities Stage 1

The Innocent in the Nest

Please read chapter 4 (on stage 1), starting on p 75, before launching into these activities.

You can access printable versions of the activities on this site by simply clicking the Stage […]

Wild Mind Training Program

Wild Mind Training Program

Designed for human development guides from a variety of fields (see examples below), the Wild Mind Training Program (WMTP) is a […]

What We Do

What We Do

Animas Valley Institute — founded in 1980 by Bill Plotkin — offers a rich assortment of journeys into the mysteries of nature and […]

Our Friends

Links To Our Friends

Rite Of Passage Journeys

Rite of Passage Journeys, established in 1968, mentors youth, adults, and
elders through life transitions, initiating soulful leaders for the next
generation. This non-profit offers guided wilderness retreats and
adventures, […]

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